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Connect with us and learn how we help increase traffic, convert more leads, and grow revenue!

Why get a free marketing review from Toronto's fastest growing marketing agency?

Because, this is the year to stop letting hundreds of monthly potential leads slip through your digital fingers. Here's what you get...

SEO Review
Critical Issue Assessment
Social Media Review
Website Audit
Brand Overview
Potential Boosters
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find your solution in our services.

We offer purpose-built solutions for your business.

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Go from traditional marketing to maximizing your revenue.

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Frequently Asked Questions

what Tech stack do you build websites with?

We build sites primarily in Webflow as it has the best SEO capabilities we've found in a sitebuilder. We have worked on sites and themes in several other tech stacks too, including Wordpress, Shopify, Wix, and more - we even build custom websites using NextJS!

How much are you services?

We offer an affordable monthly package deal that allows your business to pay-as-you-go for marketing. Our packages range from $800-5000/month CAD and can scale with your business!

What is your process for marketing?

We tailor our process to the needs of each customer. In every engagement with Bear Cloud Studios' marketing team, you'll have a monthly recap and kick-off meeting where we address your current month's needs. Based on the need for the month we introduce you to the experts you need for that month's work along with their recommendations for your business. Once signed off, we get to work with three key ideas in mind: be transparent, remain flexible, and get results!

what size of company do you work with?

Here @ Bear Cloud Studios, we have worked with multi-corps that net over a billion dollars in revenue, and we have worked with our most local ma & pa shop. When you work with us, it isn't about the size of your company now... it's about growing your business to where you want it to be.